store digital


We are glad that our Store Digital network is expanding - now you can see digital screens in the new Linnamäe Prisma. The screens of the Prisma on the edge of Lasnamäe provide an opportunity to talk to the residents and influence their purchasing decisions.

At present, the modern network of digital advertising space Store Digital already exists in seven stores in Tallinn, two in Tartu and one in Narva. A total of 74 screens provide an opportunity to conduct the campaign in three large cities – Tallinn, Tartu and Narva.

The shops belonging to the network: Prisma Lasnamäe, Prisma Kristiine, Prisma Narva, Prisma Sikupilli, Prisma Sõbra, Prisma Rocca Al Mare, Prisma Mustamäe, Prisma Annelinna, Prisma Vanalinna, Prisma Linnamäe.

Why use the screens in Prisma to run a campaign?

By using the Store Digital channel, you can be closer than ever to influencing a consumer’s purchasing decision.

Did you know that

– 68% of food purchase decisions are unplanned;

– eight out of ten people do not carry a shopping list when entering the grocery store;

-the purchaser is open and heavily influenced by the instant advertising message.

Store Digital gives you the opportunity to present your message in the right channel, at the right moment and in the right place.

If you also want to run the campaign on the screens in Prisma, contact our nice project managers:

Fred Nagelmann, M +372 555 62200, E

Rauno Pärna, M +372 585 86059, E